
Are you struggling to find the right English translation for the term 預り金 (advance payment)? Look no further! In this article, we will provide you with a clear and concise explanation of what 預り金 means in English, as well as how it is commonly used in business transactions. Stay tuned to improve your English vocabulary and communication skills!

What is the business English for 預かり金?

Deposits paid refers to a sum of money which a company temporarily deposits with another party. 「預け金とは、企業が他の者などに対して一時的に預けているお金のことである。」In the business world, deposits paid are a common practice when securing services or products from a third party. This transaction helps to ensure that the company will fulfill its obligations and protects the receiving party from potential financial loss.

When conducting business in English, it is important to be familiar with the term “deposits paid” and its implications. This phrase is commonly used to describe the temporary transfer of funds from one party to another as a form of security or guarantee. Understanding this concept is crucial for effective communication and negotiation in international business transactions. By being knowledgeable about the terminology, companies can navigate financial agreements with confidence and clarity.

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What is the English translation for 銀行でお金を預けるとき?

When depositing money at the bank, you would say “make a deposit” in English. This phrase is used when you are putting money into your account for safekeeping or future use. On the other hand, if you are taking money out of your account, you would use the phrase “make a withdrawal”. Additionally, if you are transferring money from one account to another, you would say “make a transfer”. These phrases are commonly used when conducting financial transactions at a bank.

What is the meaning of 預り金?


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Simple Steps for Depositing Funds in English


Effortless Procedures for Depositing Money in English




Streamlined Process for Depositing Funds in English



Quick and Easy Deposit Procedures in English

Are you looking for quick and easy deposit procedures in English? Look no further! Our streamlined process makes depositing funds a breeze. Whether you’re a first-time depositor or a seasoned pro, our English-language interface and clear instructions will guide you through the process with ease.

Our user-friendly platform offers a variety of deposit options, all designed to be quick and hassle-free. From traditional bank transfers to convenient e-wallets, you’ll find the perfect deposit method to suit your needs. With our straightforward instructions and responsive customer support, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that your deposit will be processed promptly and securely.

Say goodbye to complex and time-consuming deposit procedures. Our English-language deposit process is designed to be straightforward and efficient, so you can spend less time worrying about funding your account and more time enjoying your favorite activities. Trust in our reliable and convenient deposit procedures to make your experience smooth and stress-free.


In summary, the term 預り金 in English refers to deposits or received funds. Understanding the nuances of this term is essential for anyone conducting financial transactions in both Japanese and English-speaking environments. By grasping the meaning and usage of 預り金, individuals can navigate financial situations with confidence and accuracy.

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