How to Improve English Communication for Business Transactions



In business settings, the term “client” is used more often than “customer” to refer to the number of clients one is in charge of. “The number of clients” represents the total number of business partners one is responsible for. When someone says “I’m in charge of,” it means they are responsible for handling or managing a specific group of clients or accounts. The phrase “in charge of” signifies one’s role or duty as the person in charge of a particular task or responsibility.

Representativeとperson in chargeの違いは何ですか?

「person in charge」とは役職のある方を指し、「representative」は「代表者」を示す単語です。例えば、電話や訪問時には、「someone in (部署名)」など、「(対応してくれる)誰か」を使うのが一般的です。一方、「部署名 representative」でその部署の担当者を特定できます。Representativeとperson in chargeの違いは、役職の有無によるものです。



In ビジネスシーン, “担当者” can be translated as “person in charge” in English, which is commonly used in various business situations. This term accurately conveys the responsibility and authority held by the individual in question, making it a suitable equivalent for the Japanese term.

When communicating in a business setting, it is essential to clearly identify the “person in charge” to facilitate smooth and efficient communication. By using this English expression, both Japanese and non-Japanese speakers can easily understand and acknowledge the individual responsible for a specific task or project, ensuring effective collaboration and decision-making within the organization.










In today’s global business environment, English proficiency is a crucial skill for trade professionals. Whether it’s negotiating deals, communicating with international partners, or understanding industry trends, being able to effectively use English can significantly enhance a professional’s capabilities. By honing their English language skills, trade professionals can confidently take on the role of a key player in the global marketplace, opening up new opportunities and contributing to the success of their organizations. With the right language skills, trade professionals can navigate the complexities of international business with ease, making them invaluable assets in an increasingly interconnected world.

  35 万 ドルを日本円に換算: 為替相場の最新情報

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