


The English term for 中長期経営計画 is “Medium-term Management Plan.” In 2017, Laox Co., Ltd. began its next group’s medium-term management plan.

Mid TermとMedium Termの違いは何ですか?

Mid-termとMedium Termの違いは、Mid-termは中間のポイントを指し、一方、Medium Termは期間(例:次の3年~5年間など)を意味する言葉であることです。つまり、Mid-termはある一点を指し示すのに対し、Medium Termは具体的な期間を示すという違いがあります。



In summary, MTP and ATP refer to 3D points corresponding to keypoints. ATP is automatically detected and matched within the image, while MTP is manually marked by the user within the image. Both are commonly used for evaluating and improving reconstruction accuracy, with ATP automatically and MTP manually marking keypoints.


Optimizing Mid-term Plans in English


Efficient Mid-term Planning in English



In planning for the midterm, it is crucial to establish clear goals, prioritize tasks, and stay focused on the bigger picture. By breaking down the objectives into manageable steps and consistently reviewing progress, success can be achieved. With a well-defined strategy in place, individuals can confidently navigate towards their desired outcomes and make significant strides towards their ultimate aspirations. Embracing the journey with determination and resilience will undoubtedly lead to fruitful results in the long run.


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